HR and payroll specialist with nearly twenty years of practical professional experience.

In the years 1995-2004, as a tax adviser (entered in the list of tax advisers of the Ministry of Finance under the number 09368) she ran a small business in the field of bookkeeping and tax records, HR and payroll services and settlements with the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) and the Tax Office.

Several years of employment at Poczta Polska SA, Szczecin Region, where her responsibilities included direct supervision over a team of several dozen employees, monitoring the implementation of sales plans and projects aimed at optimizing the performance of delivery services and maintenance employees. This allowed her to gain practical skills in the field of recruitment and human resource management.

From 2016 employed as a HR and payroll specialist.

FMS sp. z o.o.

FMS sp. z o.o.

ul. Królowej Korony Polskiej 24/204

70-486 Szczecin

NIP 8542405157

KRS 0000510098
